Robert (Bob) L.
Morrison, Principal
With 30 years of experience in local government as a Director of Management Resources, Senior Level Information Technology Leader/Manager, Deputy Business Administrator, and Public Safety official, Robert L. Morrison’s philosophy is to improve management and computer information systems with a focus on greater efficiency and cost reductions. Throughout his career, he has worked using a team effort to develop business, public safety and other type systems that saved millions of dollars.
As early as 1974, microfilm techniques made sense to Bob as a way to manage and eliminate paper. Today, document management systems and computer storage are lower in price and yield even better cost benefits. Implementing document management systems through education and training is a winning combination.
Bob enjoys helping individuals and teams solve administrative and technological problems by exploring the benefits of modern management and computer information systems, including electronic records and paper on demand, and offering formal and informal education.
Managers have the opportunity to identify problems, discover the value of innovation, and develop strategies to engage the team while implementing viable solutions. Together with managers and their teams, Bob carefully reviews existing business and information technology systems to recommend cost-saving tools for a client’s specific environment with a focus on a positive return on investment (ROI).
His personal feeling is that there is no better way to help businesses, government entities, nonprofits, and educational institutions stay competitive and keep customers and employees happy than to create robust, user-friendly computerized systems supported by good management principles that work at reasonable costs.
Bob pursues continuing education regularly. He graduated from Elizabethtown College in Business Administration and later received a Master’s of Public Administration degree from the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton Graduate School. He later attended Harvard University for a CIO Leadership Seminar and earned a certificate, and also obtained a Master’s Certificate from the worldwide Association for Information and Imaging Management in Electronic Records Management. He recently received a 2nd Harvard University Certificate in Cybersecurity: Managing Risk in the Information Age.
Early in his civilian career with the US Navy at the Mechanicsburg Ships Parts Control Center, he was fortunate enough to be trained by one of their best Management Analysts in systems analysis. Bob learned the “ins and outs” of doing a good management study and then applying computer concepts to drive efficiency.
For 24 years, Bob worked as a Change Management Administrator in a local government setting (Harrisburg, PA) where he then became the Director of Management Resources, and, through hard work, was promoted to more challenging senior-level positions. Each step of the way, he utilized computer and analytical capabilities to develop and implement new systems.
People have told Bob that he thrives on thinking “outside the box”, getting things done, and is determined to have many cost-saving accomplishments to prove his worth to any client.